I spent a few hours fishing the Crowsnest River on Monday – the first time out for me this spring. It was a perfect day to be on the water. There was barely a breeze and by early afternoon the temperature had climbed to 12°C (54°F).
Continue readingI spent a few hours fishing the Crowsnest River on Monday – the first time out for me this spring. It was a perfect day to be on the water. There was barely a breeze and by early afternoon the temperature had climbed to 12°C (54°F).
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Musings of a Crowsnest Pass photographer, fly-fisher and relic enthusiast.
My name is Vic Bergman and I live in Crowsnest
Pass, Alberta. In addition to photography, I have
a number of interests that occupy my spare time.
Fly-fishing is one of these. It’s something I’ve
been passionate about for as long as I’ve been
taking photographs. I also like things of old,
whether they are photographs taken many years
ago, or any variety of artifacts, antiques, and
collectibles. I enjoy learning about their history,
how they were made and used, and by whom.
This blog will not be devoted solely to any one of
my interests. Instead, it will be a mixed bag, so to
speak, of what I’m up to, or thinking about, at any
given time. I will post here as regularly as time
permits and will try not to hang the Gone Fishing
sign on the door too often, or for too long. You can learn more about me in my "About" page.
All content © Vic Bergman. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.