I have some exciting news to share! Some of you know I have been writing a book for the Crowsnest Historical Society. It is a project I have been working on since 2015.
Continue readingI have some exciting news to share! Some of you know I have been writing a book for the Crowsnest Historical Society. It is a project I have been working on since 2015.
Continue reading »I enjoy looking at old historical photographs, especially ones of the Crowsnest Pass. I am also interested in repeat photography, where photographs of the same subject are taken from the same location, at different times. Sometimes these photos can be taken decades apart. This type of “then and now” photography is often used by environmental scientists and researchers to track and study landscape change over time.
Continue reading »I returned a few days ago from a trip to Manitoba, where I visited family and friends. While there, I was able to catch some fish that have been on my bucket list for a long time.
Continue reading »Sunday, June 16th is the opening day for the fishing season on the rivers and streams in southwest Alberta. It is also Father’s Day. What better day than Father’s Day to start the fishing season?
Continue reading »Spring has arrived in the Crowsnest Pass. As the days become warmer and longer, more and more people are getting out fly-fishing on the Crow. I was able to get out on the river last Wednesday for the first time this year. I made it out again today.
Continue reading »It is said the firsts after you lose a loved one are the most difficult – the first birthday, the first Christmas, the first anniversary. It is also said the death of a loved one is something you never get over. You just find new ways to live.
Continue reading »I was going through some of my photos last week when I came across several that I took a few years ago. A couple of these were taken while snowshoeing with friends on the outskirts of Bellevue, on a snow-covered ridge overlooking Turtle Mountain and the Frank Slide.
Continue reading »Today marks the 30th anniversary of The Crowsnest Angler Fly Shop. We opened on December 1st, 1993. Although it’s been three decades since our opening, I remember everything from that day as if it happened yesterday.
Continue reading »I was able to make it out fishing a few times this fall. I chased bull trout a couple of times and also fished for cutthroats in the backcountry, and for rainbows on the Crow.
Continue reading »While returning home from Winnipeg last week, I stopped at Whitewood, Saskatchewan to visit Old George’s Museum & Hidden Village. Whitewood is located along the Trans-Canada Highway, about 175 kilometres east of Regina. I had been on the road since 5:00 a.m. and was ready for a break. It was the perfect pit stop for me. I only planned to stay a half-hour but ended up visiting with George Chopping, the museum’s owner and curator, for more than two hours.
Continue reading »
Musings of a Crowsnest Pass photographer, fly-fisher and relic enthusiast.
My name is Vic Bergman and I live in Crowsnest
Pass, Alberta. In addition to photography, I have
a number of interests that occupy my spare time.
Fly-fishing is one of these. It’s something I’ve
been passionate about for as long as I’ve been
taking photographs. I also like things of old,
whether they are photographs taken many years
ago, or any variety of artifacts, antiques, and
collectibles. I enjoy learning about their history,
how they were made and used, and by whom.
This blog will not be devoted solely to any one of
my interests. Instead, it will be a mixed bag, so to
speak, of what I’m up to, or thinking about, at any
given time. I will post here as regularly as time
permits and will try not to hang the Gone Fishing
sign on the door too often, or for too long. You can learn more about me in my "About" page.
All content © Vic Bergman. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.