Category Archives: More Important Things

Father’s Day – 2024

Sunday, June 16th is the opening day for the fishing season on the rivers and streams in southwest Alberta. It is also Father’s Day. What better day than Father’s Day to start the fishing season?

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The Firsts

It is said the firsts after you lose a loved one are the most difficult – the first birthday, the first Christmas, the first anniversary. It is also said the death of a loved one is something you never get over. You just find new ways to live.

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This is my first blog post since last July. I apologize for taking this long to post something here.

The past year has been difficult for me and my family. For those of you who do not already know, my wife Carol passed away on January 29th. We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on December 29th, only a month earlier. Carol’s health had been declining for some time, as she bravely battled an illness for which there is no cure. I have been hesitant on posting something about Carol’s passing, but have decided to do this. I hope that sharing a little bit of Carol’s amazing life will help keep her memory alive.

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