Category Archives: Out And About

‘Tis the Season

I was going through some of my photos last week when I came across several that I took a few years ago. A couple of these were taken while snowshoeing with friends on the outskirts of Bellevue, on a snow-covered ridge overlooking Turtle Mountain and the Frank Slide.

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Spring in the Crowsnest

Spring officially arrived about two weeks ago. Although the weather has been a bit unsettled lately, it looks like winter is gradually coming to an end in the Crowsnest Pass. The ice is receding on some of the local lakes and rivers. Anglers are making their way out onto open water once again.

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May or December?

Less than two weeks ago, we were enjoying summer-like weather in Crowsnest Pass. It was sunny and warm, with daytime temperatures registering in the mid-20 degree Celsius (75°F) range. After a long winter, people were glad to be able to be outside wearing t-shirts and shorts. A lot of people were out biking, hiking, and walking their dogs. The nice weather also drew numerous anglers onto some of our local trout waters. Life was good.

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Frank Slide Bouldering

Bouldering has become an extremely popular activity in the Frank Slide. On any given day, you will see multiple groups of people hiking into the vast expanse of the slide in search of limestone boulders to test their climbing skills. On their backs, they carry padded foam mats – crash pads, to be placed at the base of the boulder. It’s the only form of protection from injury they have, should they fall. This type of free climbing is made without the use of ropes or harnesses.

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Several weeks ago, I made a day trip to Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park. The park is located near the Alberta-Montana border, 42 km southeast of the town of Milk River. I grew up less than an hour and a half drive from the park but had never visited it until now.

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Brighter Days Ahead

In early March, I posted an article here on how it was approaching the time of year when anglers were beginning to plan their fishing trips for the coming season. Much has happened around the world since that post. A lot of plans, not only for fishing, have been put on hold, at least for the time being.

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South Carolina Trip – Part II

South Carolina is steeped in history, culture, and tradition. It’s an amazing place to visit, with lots of interesting and exciting things to see and do. Last time, I shared some photos and stories of our recent trip to the Palmetto State. Below, is the conclusion of this blog post.

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South Carolina Trip – Part I

Several weeks ago, Carol and I had the opportunity to travel to South Carolina to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with family. It had been ten years since we last visited the Palmetto State together and it felt great to return again.

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Ice-Out Observations

Waiting for the ice to melt on a frozen lake can be like watching paint dry. You have to be patient because sometimes it can take a while. Ice-out is a few weeks late this year but it appears to be starting on several of our local lakes. Continue reading »

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Another Walk in the Woods

In early January, I posted an article here of a snowshoeing trip I made along Allison Creek, west of Coleman in Crowsnest Pass. Since then, we’ve received a pile more snow in the Pass. Warm Chinook winds that often blow over the Rockies from the Pacific have been few and far between this winter. As a result, there has not been a lot of melting going on. Street corners and boulevards in our towns are lined with snowbanks, piled ten feet high in places. Backyards and front yards are filled to capacity. Everyone is running out of space to put their snow. For the past two months, there’s either been too much snow for me to shovel on my days off, or it’s been way too cold outside to even bother getting out on my snowshoes. All that changed a couple of days ago when I was able to go for another walk in the woods. Continue reading »

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