Angler: John Scott Black
In my last post, I talked of how some trout streams, including Alberta’s Crowsnest River, have had certain sections of their waters named by anglers. Sometimes, the names of these places become well known and are passed down from one generation to the next, while other names are forgotten over time. Below, is the continuation of Crowsnest Fishing Holes.
Lundbreck Falls to Highway 507 Bridge
Three Beavers Pond
This spot is located a short distance upstream of the CPR Bridge at Lundbreck Falls. It was named by Terry Venables and his father, Bryan, around 1982. On one of their first trips to the river, Terry and Bryan were enjoying a wonderful hatch of large mayflies on this pool. All the while, the two anglers were constantly entertained by three beavers, passing back and forth as the trout worked the hatch. Despite the beaver activity, Terry and Bryan managed to catch some fantastic fish that evening. Immediately downstream was a little run they named Helm’s Deep, from Lord of the Rings.

Not far upstream from Three Beavers Pond is the A-Frame Run. Several hundred yards above that is the Honey Hole, named by Jack Bengry of Lethbridge.
Throughout the 1980s, a group of anglers, including Don Anderson, Bill Clendon, Jack and Ilona Bengry, Terry and Bryan Venables, Evan Ritchie, Barry Mitchell, and others, often camped together along the river at Lundbreck Falls Campground or at nearby Hiawatha Campground. They would split up during the day, fishing different beats on the Crow, then gather around the campfire during the evening, swapping stories and telling tales.
Sulfur Hole (a.k.a. The Corrals, Al & Shirl’s)
A train derailment at this location in 1982 resulted in a tanker car spilling its cargo of molten sulfur into the river. When the contents poured into the water, they solidified – blanketing the stream bottom with chunks of pure, bright-yellow sulfur. The clean-up and reclamation work was completed by the Canadian Pacific Railway soon afterward, but pieces of sulfur would be strewn along the stream bottom for years.

There have been other train derailments at this location, including one in January, 2004. This time, one of the cars narrowly missed the river.

Weigh Scales
The section of river upstream of the Sulfur Hole, toward the Burmis Weigh Station Scales on Hwy. 3.

Bedside Manor Bed & Breakfast (a.k.a. Sara’s)
Owned and operated by Shirley and Bill Sara, this popular B&B is located along the stretch of river upstream of the Weigh Scales.

The three-story home, constructed in 1904, was moved to this location from Lethbridge in 1978. The B&B opened in 1986.

Some of the runs and pools that have been named along this part of the river include: Shirley’s Rapids, Ted’s Corner, Home Run, Doogie’s Run, Willow Stretch, Linda’s Pool, Dexine Island, Departure Bay, The Big Hole, S-Bend, John’s Corner, Rock Pool, and Meadow Run.

Angler: Robert Cormier

Angler: Tim Lysyk

Angler: Jim McLennan

Angler: Bob Costa
Cervo’s (a.k.a. Villa Vega)
This long, winding stretch of river is located immediately upstream of Sara’s B&B. Much of the north bank follows property which has been owned for many years by the Cervo family. On the south side of the river are the Villa Vega country acreages.

Angler: Gary Enzsol

Hopper Hole
This deep pool and the run below were given its name in 1992 by Bob Costa, after a great day of hopper fishing for big rainbows. In August, the grassy pastures and fields high above the river are often teeming with grasshoppers. All it takes to get them on the water is some wind – a common occurrence around here.

Angler: Bob Costa
Highway 507 Bridge (a.k.a. Lee Lake Bridge, Burmis Bridge)
A popular access point to the river.

Next time, I’ll continue upstream of Hwy. 507.
You can read Part I here.
You can read Part III here.
Article References & Credits will appear at the end of Part III. There will also be a link where you will be able to download this article in its entirety.