Going outside for a breath of fresh air and to get some exercise is much more challenging these days, due to the physical distancing guidelines we are currently dealing with. The situation we are facing is making it difficult, if not impossible, to participate in things we usually take for granted. We still need to keep active, though, and it’s good to go outdoors, providing we do this in a safe, responsible manner.
Earlier this week, I donned my snowshoes and climbed a nearby ridge overlooking Crowsnest Mountain and the Seven Sisters. These scenic mountains are emblematic of Crowsnest Pass and have been photographed countless times over the years. All of the photos in this post were taken with my camera attached to a tripod, using an intervalometer set to take an exposure every few seconds.

There was still plenty of snow in sheltered wooded areas and on the old logging road leading to the top of the ridge. The amount of snow diminished considerably, as I approached the windswept summit. Once on top, I enjoyed spectacular views of Crowsnest Mountain, the Seven Sisters, and numerous other mountains along the Alberta – British Columbia border.

Physical exercise is an important activity for our mental and physical health. If you venture outdoors, be kind, be considerate, and be safe.
Happy Easter!

Hi Vic. Thank you for another wonderful post. Your beautiful photos of country I love are always welcome. We had a comfortable EASTER here in the Blue Ridge. After the heart attack, I worked hard in rehab. I hoped that I would be able to travel to Alberta to fish this summer and make it 36 years straight. Despite the situation, I keep the hope alive. I really was looking forward to visiting with you and Carol and seeing our old friends. We are staying home during this time.The good thing is that our springtime in the hills in Virginia is really beautiful and I can get out and enjoy the country, Our best wishes to you and yours. Stay safe. Thanks again for the pictures and story.
Herb and Lin
Hi Herb,
It’s great to hear from you! I’m glad you & Lin are well. We are all sitting tight here, like you. Spring is a bit late arriving this year but Carol and I are trying to get out every day for some exercise. The robins and bluebirds have returned, so spring can’t be too far away. Hopefully, things will improve before too long and that you guys will be able to make it back to Crowsnest Pass this summer. That would be wonderful. Keep the hope alive and stay safe and well. Say hi to Lin!
Happy Easter my friend. We sure had a couple of nice days. Oh, for the onset of the season! Best to you and Carol!
Hi Bob,
Not much we can do, but wait things out. We will be able to go fishing together again, even if we have to stay a rod length away from each other! Best to you and Janet too!
Vic :
Easter Greetings from south of the border . . .
Nice trek up to the top there – and the snow looks cooling.
Here today it is actually 80º F. in my backyard – cooling off to 60º tomorrow & through the weekend.
Been meaning to write you & get caught up. We hope all is well with you both and things, while abnormal, at least retain some degree of normalcy. Or will soon.
Not getting much news from Canada here these days – the local press has plenty to keep them busy. It looks as if Albertans in the “Southern” area of the province may be the least impacted – to date – and aren’t seeing as many cases as Calgary.
We have had a few hundred confirmed, tested, cases and – I believe the latest count is 27 died – almost all elderly, many in retirement communities & homes in our bi-county area. Seattle has been slammed.
Here in the Tri-Cities (as all of Washington State) we are under a government (state) order to “Stay Home – Stay Safe,” which seems to me like a pretty good idea. That and social distancing.
We venture out to the slightly-depleted-in-stock grocery store about once a week and get what we can / need. It was three weeks before there was any flour in stock at our local market & about a month went by from the time we last saw toilet paper on the shelves – until just yesterday.
Except for groceries, pharmacies and a few other retailers, nearly everything is closed until at least 4 May. But, it is a bit spotty. Auto dealership’s showrooms are closed – their repair shops are open.
Washington has closed its fishing seasons (including clamming on the Pacific beaches), axed the spring turkey & bear hunts and maybe, but just maybe, they’ll open the lakes on May 4.
What used to be called the lowland lake season opening day would draw hundreds of thousands of folks statewide … and, while a lot of waters have changed their seasons since I was a kid and not every lake now opens on the exact same day . . . many families will miss going out for a few trout on that specifc date in late April.
We are well; playing a lot of two-handed card games – Kathy has been baking & I’m listing stuff for sale on ebay.
Take care – stay well – – I hope to see you in, what, the early Fall?
Hi Terry,
I’ve been thinking about you lately. Although it’s spring here, it still looks and feels like winter. We are expecting 12 inches of snow by tomorrow evening. Just so you know, I did not need to use a rope line to snowshoe up that ridge, and I was home well before midnight!
Alberta has 1,500 confirmed cases, as of today, and sadly, 39 deaths. There are no reported cases in Crowsnest Pass. Still, we are all taking precautions. The shop has been closed for a couple of weeks. We will open as soon as it is possible to do so. The grocery stores here are starting to get a supply of toilet paper, but it’s being rationed. Same thing with flour and other things. There are no closures here for fishing … yet. Hopefully, we can get together in the fall. In the meantime, I hope you & Kathy stay safe and well. Talk to you soon!
It’s always great to read your blogs Vic but perhaps, they are a bit better now. Stay safe and well Vic!
Hi Allan,
Nice to hear from you. We are doing fine. We are hunkered down, for the most part, like most people. Hope you and your family are doing well. I hope to post something “fishing related” soon. Thanks for visiting.
Thanks Vic. You always have good advice. May you have a great Easter Weekend.
Hi Walter,
I hope you have a great Easter too. Stay well!