Tag Archives: castle river

Fishing the Castle


Over the past few weeks, I’ve had a couple of opportunities to fish the Castle River with two of my friends, Terry Maurer, and Bob Costa. My first trip was with Terry, and we spent the day fishing the river downstream of the newly-created Castle Provincial Park. On my second outing, Bob and I fished near the headwaters of the river in the Castle Wildland Provincial Park. Continue reading »

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Fly-Tying: The Angler’s Art


If you’re a fly-fishing enthusiast, you’re probably aware there’s another aspect to the sport that goes hand-in-hand with this popular piscatorial pursuit. Many fly anglers also make (tie) their own artificial flies. It’s a great feeling of accomplishment when you create something out of colorful bits and pieces of feather, fur, wool, and other natural or man-made materials, and then use it to catch a fish. Continue reading »

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