Autumn is my favorite time of the year to go fishing on our local trout streams. After Labor Day, there are fewer anglers on these waters. By the end of September or early October, you can often have the river to yourself.
Continue readingAutumn is my favorite time of the year to go fishing on our local trout streams. After Labor Day, there are fewer anglers on these waters. By the end of September or early October, you can often have the river to yourself.
Continue reading »One of the great things about fly-fishing for trout is that these fish often live in some of the most picturesque places you will ever visit. The headwaters of some of the trout streams in southwest Alberta are a good example of this.
Continue reading »In early March, I posted an article here on how it was approaching the time of year when anglers were beginning to plan their fishing trips for the coming season. Much has happened around the world since that post. A lot of plans, not only for fishing, have been put on hold, at least for the time being.
Continue reading »It’s that time of the year when anglers are beginning to plan their fishing trips for the coming season. For some people, these excursions will occur close to home, while others may be looking at traveling further afield. The Internet is full of information on fishing destinations around the world. Researching these locations online and communicating with other anglers via email and through social media can make trip planning a lot easier, especially when visiting an area for the first time.
Continue reading »This is the conclusion of my post on Crowsnest River fishing holes. I’ll continue from Highway 507, upstream to Crowsnest Lake. At the bottom of the page, there is a link where you can download this article in its entirety.
In my last post, I talked of how some trout streams, including Alberta’s Crowsnest River, have had certain sections of their waters named by anglers. Sometimes, the names of these places become well known and are passed down from one generation to the next, while other names are forgotten over time. Below, is the continuation of Crowsnest Fishing Holes.
Continue reading »It’s not unusual for popular trout streams to have stretches of their waters named by anglers. Alberta’s Bow River is a good example, with places like Must Be Nice, Policeman’s Flats, Far & Fine, and the Trico Hole.
The Crowsnest River also has stretches of water that have been named. Providing the anglers you are speaking with are familiar with these places, it’s a good way of letting them know where you were fishing, and which pool or run might have been productive – or not!
Continue reading »The recent rains we have been receiving in Crowsnest Pass have been very beneficial for the area. Not only have these rains been keeping everything lush and green, but they have also been good for our local trout streams. Water levels are holding up well on all of our rivers this summer. As a result, the fish are feisty, fat, and happy.
Continue reading »I spent a few hours fishing the Crowsnest River on Monday – the first time out for me this spring. It was a perfect day to be on the water. There was barely a breeze and by early afternoon the temperature had climbed to 12°C (54°F).
Continue reading »Today is the first day of spring. It looks and feels like spring, too. A week ago, we were in a deep freeze, with temperatures well below average, and snow lying on the ground everywhere. As often happens around here, the weather can turn on a dime. Conditions have been really nice outside since the weekend and it looks like it’s going to continue for a while yet. Our daytime temperature is expected to reach 18°C (65°F) today – well above average. The spring thaw is upon us.
Continue reading »
Musings of a Crowsnest Pass photographer, fly-fisher and relic enthusiast.
My name is Vic Bergman and I live in Crowsnest
Pass, Alberta. In addition to photography, I have
a number of interests that occupy my spare time.
Fly-fishing is one of these. It’s something I’ve
been passionate about for as long as I’ve been
taking photographs. I also like things of old,
whether they are photographs taken many years
ago, or any variety of artifacts, antiques, and
collectibles. I enjoy learning about their history,
how they were made and used, and by whom.
This blog will not be devoted solely to any one of
my interests. Instead, it will be a mixed bag, so to
speak, of what I’m up to, or thinking about, at any
given time. I will post here as regularly as time
permits and will try not to hang the Gone Fishing
sign on the door too often, or for too long. You can learn more about me in my "About" page.
All content © Vic Bergman. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.