I was able to make it out fishing a few times this fall. I chased bull trout a couple of times and also fished for cutthroats in the backcountry, and for rainbows on the Crow.
Continue readingI was able to make it out fishing a few times this fall. I chased bull trout a couple of times and also fished for cutthroats in the backcountry, and for rainbows on the Crow.
Continue reading »Due to the current health restrictions, the Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery is holding an online version of their annual No Particular Topic exhibition. The exhibit runs January 24 – February 21, 2021. Click on the link below to see all the artwork on display.
No Particular Topic Online Exhibit
One of my photographs, Crowsnest Pass Alberta – Your Adventures Await, will be on display. More information on this photograph can be seen on the Exhibits page of my website.
A number of weeks ago, several southern Alberta photographer friends shared some of their recent bird photos with me. Among these were images of great blue herons, red-winged and yellow-headed blackbirds, Canada geese, and turkey vultures, the latter of which are seldom seen in this part of the province.
Continue reading »The Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery will be holding its annual No Particular Topic exhibition later this month. The exhibit runs January 25 – February 23, 2020. The opening reception will be held Saturday, January 25 (1-3). This exhibit is always a great opportunity to view a wide variety of work by local artists.
One of my photographs, Bob Creek Limber Pine, will be on display. More information on this photograph can be seen on the Exhibits page of my website. If you will be traveling through Crowsnest Pass over the next few weeks, please take some time to stop in at the gallery. It’s always worth a visit. The gallery is located along Highway 3 in the town of Frank. Admission is free.
The Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery’s summer show, Into the Woods, opens on Saturday. The exhibition will feature a variety of works by local artists. Two of my photographs, Trees in Autumn and Walking Through the Woods, have been selected for display in the exhibit. More information about the show and these photographs can be seen in the Exhibits page of this website.
The art gallery is located right along Highway 3 in the town of Frank. The show runs from August 10 – September 8. Admission is free.
It’s the middle of February, which means it’s time for the annual No Particular Topic exhibition at the Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery. The exhibit runs February 16 – March 17, 2019. The opening reception will be held Saturday, February 16 (1-3). This exhibit is always a great opportunity to view a wide variety of work by local artists.
One of my wildflower photographs, Crocus for Maggie, will be on display. More information on this photograph can be seen on the Exhibits page of my website. If you are going to be in Crowsnest Pass or are passing through in the next few weeks, be sure to stop by the art gallery. It’s located along Highway 3 in the town of Frank. Admission is free.
South Carolina is steeped in history, culture, and tradition. It’s an amazing place to visit, with lots of interesting and exciting things to see and do. Last time, I shared some photos and stories of our recent trip to the Palmetto State. Below, is the conclusion of this blog post.
Continue reading »Several weeks ago, Carol and I had the opportunity to travel to South Carolina to celebrate Christmas and the New Year with family. It had been ten years since we last visited the Palmetto State together and it felt great to return again.
Continue reading »The Crowsnest Pass Public Art Gallery’s summer show, Soundscapes, opens on Saturday. A variety of works by local artists will be on display. One of my photographs, Beckoning Waters has been selected for display in the exhibit. More information about the show and the story behind my photograph can be seen in the Exhibits page of this website.
The art gallery is located right along Highway 3 in the town of Frank. The show runs from July 14 – August 26. Admission is free.
The salmonfly hatch is in full swing on the Crowsnest River and fishing conditions couldn’t be better. It’s not very often where the river is clear and fishable during this elusive hatch. It is this year, though. This stonefly hatch occurs every year but it usually coincides with the spring runoff, a time where the river is running high and discolored. Everything has come together perfectly this time around, and who knows, it might be another 10 years before it happens again.
Continue reading »
Musings of a Crowsnest Pass photographer, fly-fisher and relic enthusiast.
My name is Vic Bergman and I live in Crowsnest
Pass, Alberta. In addition to photography, I have
a number of interests that occupy my spare time.
Fly-fishing is one of these. It’s something I’ve
been passionate about for as long as I’ve been
taking photographs. I also like things of old,
whether they are photographs taken many years
ago, or any variety of artifacts, antiques, and
collectibles. I enjoy learning about their history,
how they were made and used, and by whom.
This blog will not be devoted solely to any one of
my interests. Instead, it will be a mixed bag, so to
speak, of what I’m up to, or thinking about, at any
given time. I will post here as regularly as time
permits and will try not to hang the Gone Fishing
sign on the door too often, or for too long. You can learn more about me in my "About" page.
All content © Vic Bergman. Unauthorized use of material is prohibited.